The head of the Ukrainian government has expressed his condolences to the families of victims and those who suffered in the Paris attacks but once again twisted his own narrative by claiming it was Russia's fault.

In his online statement, purportedly aimed at showing solidarity with France, he pointed to the situation with Crimea and Donbass, as well as some mythical “threat made by the Kremlin” to accuse Moscow of “encouraging global terrorism.”
The prime minister also claimed that since 2014, Ukraine “has been suffering from Russian imperialism and terrorism.”
Україні болить страшна рана Франції.Саме з таким злом ми зіштовхнулися у2014,коли в наступ проти нас пішов російський імперіалізм і тероризм
— Arseniy Yatsenyuk (@Yatsenyuk_AP) 15 ноября 2015
Yatsenyuk then took on an almost poetical tone when declaring that his country is able to stop any enemy who attempts to subjugate Ukraine, for “the essence of such an enemy is emptiness. His strength — dust and ashes.”