Hollande Urges Parties to Climate Talks to Reach Comprehensive Deal

© REUTERS / Ian LangsdonFrench President Francois Hollande speaks to journalists about Greece after attending the launch of the 'Employment and Insertion' at the headquarters of the French National Olympic and Sports Committee in Paris, France, July 10, 2015
French President Francois Hollande speaks to journalists about Greece after attending the launch of the 'Employment and Insertion' at the headquarters of the French National Olympic and Sports Committee in Paris, France, July 10, 2015 - Sputnik International
The French president expressed confidence that the climate change deal could be reached in Paris.

Climate change - Sputnik International
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PARIS (Sputnik) – The state parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change must resolve the difference and reach a comprehensive agreement in Paris as otherwise they would be scrutinized by future generations, French President Francois Hollande said Saturday.

Earlier in the day, negotiators from almost 200 nations approved a draft text of a UN climate deal. On Monday, it will be presented to the environment and finance ministers.

"I want us to be able to overcome regional interests, country interests, interests impacted by our respective level of development, we have to do this in order to confront this planetary challenge," Hollande stated, closing the Action Day at the 21st UN Climate Change Conference (COP21) in Paris.

He also expressed confidence that the climate change deal could be achieved in the French capital.

"I want everyone to realize that so many people and future generations will be very strict when they judge what has been done by the heads of state and government, especially when it comes to those who did not assume their responsibilities, who did not opt for universal legally binding agreement," Hollande emphasized.

There are some stumbling blocks in the climate deal negotiations such as revision mechanisms necessary to ensure that global warming does not exceed 2 degrees Celsius and technology transfer issues, but they are solvable, the president added.

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"We are close to an agreement. We have to make sure that we do come to an agreement at the end of the next week," Hollande noted.

France is both hosting and chairing the Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change that will last through December 11.

The climate summit aims to agree on a legally binding and universal strategy on the issue, which is due to replace the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, dealing with the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.

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