MOSCOW (Sputnik), Alexander Mosesov — On Tuesday, the European Parliament stated that a "strong compromise" had been reached over the new legal package aimed at preventing companies from using personal information without the permission of the persons concerned.
"As there was a lot of compromise we obviously cannot welcome all of it. For example, the rules on data breach notification seem not to be as clear as they could be and the harmonization will not be as complete as it should. However we are happy that it is a Regulation as this will help ensure a uniform implementation," Naranjo said.
EDRi's advocacy manager also added that it is "up to other world regions as to whether they wish to use it as an example."
The draft directive also provides a legal framework for cross-border data exchange by harmonizing EU member states' national laws, according to a European Parliament press release. The law is expected to give EU citizens the right balance between privacy and security. The law is said to be at odds with large IT multinationals, such as Google and Facebook. Search engines and social networks have been facing mountain pressure to cease collecting user data.