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Obama 'Trying to Do Whatever He Can' to 'Defeat Putin'

© AFP 2023 / Jewel SamadUS President Barack Obama (R) listens to Russian President Vladimir Putin
US President Barack Obama (R) listens to Russian President Vladimir Putin - Sputnik International
The US president is pursuing two goals: he is trying to "defeat" Vladimir Putin and pull the plug on the democratic presidential election in Syria, American historian and journalist Eric Zuesse asserted.

Barack Obama has finally acknowledged that the future of Syria could only be determined through internationally-supervised free and fair elections – a position Russia championed for years. Yet, the analyst insists, Obama's commitment is purely verbal.

Even if he can't publicly admit this, the US president, according to Zuesse, is trying to do whatever he can to "find some way to defeat Putin, and, in Syria, to block the Syrian election that Putin has been pressing for."

Kurdish men sit near bonfire near a destroyed building, in the Syrian Kurdish town of Kobane, also known as Ain al-Arab - Sputnik International
UNSC Resolution on Syria Proves That 'Putin Was Right' All Along
This, Zuesse maintains, are the primary objectives of the American leadership.

The US historian even went as far as to say that Obama is not merely interested in countering Russia. The US president's policies are consistent with "the US aristocracy's decades-long effort and intention to conquer, to take control of, Russia."

Democratic elections in Syria will likely complicate things if al-Assad is allowed to run.

"Any free and fair internationally monitored and verified election in Syria will almost certainly choose Bashar al-Assad by a huge margin, to lead the country. Most Syrians – even many Syrian Sunnis – prefer a non-sectarian leader, not the type that the US and Saudi aristocracies want to impose there to defeat Russia," he explained.

In this Monday, Sept. 28, 2015, photo, provided by the United Nations, US President Barack Obama, left, and Russia's President Vladimir Putin toast during a luncheon hosted during the 70th annual United Nations General Assembly at U.N. headquarters - Sputnik International
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Washington understands that this is the most likely scenario. This is why the US leadership was so adamant that al-Assad must leave office as a precondition to launch the peace process.

Zuesse's comments come after the UN Security Council adopted a resolution paving the way for a sustainable peace process in Syria. The document outlines a framework and a timeline for a ceasefire, which – once achieved – is expected to be followed by the UN-supervised free and fair poll.

The US historian underscored that the UNSC agreement reflects Russia's proposals for Syria.

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