To prove his point, the author wrote that, shortly after taking office, Barack Obama flew to Cairo to deliver an apology and a loving outreach to Islam — going so far as to suggest that Islam has deep roots in the US.
“One very stark example is the Muslim Brotherhood, mother of all Islamic terrorist organizations; it is banned in Egypt, its birthplace, but welcome in the White House,” Krauthammer noted.
As if that were not enough, the author continues, Obama has always been desirous of closing Guantanamo Bay, arguing that its existence is a recruiting tool for Islamists.
“Are we to assume that throwing these barbarians in American jails — where they can really do some active recruiting — sits better with ISIS?” Charles Krauthammer fumed.
“The greatest American recruiting tool ISIS has is our feckless leader, Obama — because weakness is the greatest recruiting tool an enemy can have, and no group of people is more aware of this than the Islamists,” the author wrote, adding that the President’s passivity was literally destroying America and encouraging armed conflicts around the world.