Martian nitrogen was discovered in nitric oxide released from larger molecular structures, known as nitrates, reported. To get the nitrogen, researchers used the Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) instrument set aboard NASA's Curiosity rover.
Earlier scientists discovered evidence that ingredients needed for life, including liquid water and organic matter, were present on Mars billions of years ago.
"Finding a biochemically accessible form of nitrogen is more support for the ancient Martian environment at Gale Crater being habitable," Jennifer Stern, of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, claimed.
Nitrate molecules that contain fixed nitrogen needed for life are present on Mars. After Curiosity rover examined mudstone, dust and sand on the three sites of the red planet, evidence for nitrates were found on each of them.
Previously, a rover team said they discovered evidence for a habitable environment on Mars, including the presence of water, carbon, and potential energy sources to drive the metabolism of simple organisms.