During official briefing chief of the Main Operational Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces Sergei Rudskoy presented numerous photos and videos depicting Daesh tanker trucks attempting to smuggle oil into Turkey.
Attepmting to evade Russian aircraft, the terrorists disguise tankers as ordinary trucks and usually move their cargo during night.
"In order to avoid losses to Russian aviation, the terrorists move [the oil convoys] mainly at night. Moreover, their tanker trucks are disguised as ordinary trucks, and move in small columns of several dozen vehicles at a time," Rudskoy said.
Russian Armed Forces have revealed a new Daesh oil smuggling route: first the trucks take the shortest route to Iraq, and from there head to Turkey. Trying to escape Russian aviation's strikes, "terrorists are changing their tactics and paving new oil smuggling routes," Rudskoy said.
© Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation / Go to the mediabankDestruction of oil production and processing facilities in Syria by the Russian Air Force. (Still frame taken from the video posted by the Russian Defense Ministry on its official YouTube channel.)

Destruction of oil production and processing facilities in Syria by the Russian Air Force. (Still frame taken from the video posted by the Russian Defense Ministry on its official YouTube channel.)
© Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation / Go to the mediabankDestruction of oil production and processing facilities in Syria by the Russian Air Force. (Still frame taken from the video posted by the Russian Defense Ministry on its official YouTube channel.)

Destruction of oil production and processing facilities in Syria by the Russian Air Force. (Still frame taken from the video posted by the Russian Defense Ministry on its official YouTube channel.)
© Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation / Go to the mediabankTrucks with oil products cross the Syrian-Turkish border. (Still frame taken from the video posted by the Russian Defense Ministry on its official YouTube channel.)

Trucks with oil products cross the Syrian-Turkish border. (Still frame taken from the video posted by the Russian Defense Ministry on its official YouTube channel.)
© Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation / Go to the mediabankDestruction of oil production and processing facilities in Syria by the Russian Air Force. (Still frame taken from the video posted by the Russian Defense Ministry on its official YouTube channel.)

Destruction of oil production and processing facilities in Syria by the Russian Air Force. (Still frame taken from the video posted by the Russian Defense Ministry on its official YouTube channel.)
© Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation / Go to the mediabankDestruction of oil production and processing facilities in Syria by the Russian Air Force. (Still frame taken from the video posted by the Russian Defense Ministry on its official YouTube channel.)

Destruction of oil production and processing facilities in Syria by the Russian Air Force. (Still frame taken from the video posted by the Russian Defense Ministry on its official YouTube channel.)
© Ministry of defence of the Russian Federation / Go to the mediabankAir strikes by the Russian Air Force on terrorist infrastructure facilities in Syria. (Still frame taken from the video posted by the Russian Defense Ministry on its official YouTube channel.)

Air strikes by the Russian Air Force on terrorist infrastructure facilities in Syria. (Still frame taken from the video posted by the Russian Defense Ministry on its official YouTube channel.)
Destruction of oil production and processing facilities in Syria by the Russian Air Force. (Still frame taken from the video posted by the Russian Defense Ministry on its official YouTube channel.)
Destruction of oil production and processing facilities in Syria by the Russian Air Force. (Still frame taken from the video posted by the Russian Defense Ministry on its official YouTube channel.)
Trucks with oil products cross the Syrian-Turkish border. (Still frame taken from the video posted by the Russian Defense Ministry on its official YouTube channel.)
Destruction of oil production and processing facilities in Syria by the Russian Air Force. (Still frame taken from the video posted by the Russian Defense Ministry on its official YouTube channel.)
Destruction of oil production and processing facilities in Syria by the Russian Air Force. (Still frame taken from the video posted by the Russian Defense Ministry on its official YouTube channel.)
Air strikes by the Russian Air Force on terrorist infrastructure facilities in Syria. (Still frame taken from the video posted by the Russian Defense Ministry on its official YouTube channel.)