Russia Unlikely to Take Part in PACE in 2016 Despite Keeping Membership

© Sputnik / Vladimir Fedorenko  / Go to the mediabankPACE winter session
PACE winter session - Sputnik International
Moscow is unlikely to participate in Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) in 2016, despite the fact that Russia will preserve its membership in the council, Chairperson of the PACE Monitoring Committee Stefan Schennach told Sputnik.

Plenary meeting of the winter session of the Parliamentary Assembly Council of Europe - Sputnik International
Anti-Russia PACE Resolution Improves Moscow’s Dialogue With World
MOSCOW (Sputnik) Daria Chernyshova On Thursday, Russian lower house speaker Sergei Naryshkin said he did not rule out Russia’s non-participation in January PACE Meeting.

"Russian Federation will be also 2016 member of the Council of Europe, but they will not take part by the Parliamentary Assembly – it’s my feeling, but I think, that will [be] the policy," Schennach said.

According to the official, if the Russian parliament does not send its credentials to the Council of Europe, they would not be discussed during the upcoming PACE session.

In April 2014, following Crimea’s reunification with Russia, PACE banned the Russian delegation from voting and participating in the work of PACE governing bodies until the end of 2014. In 2015, the ban was extended for another year.

A reconfirmation of the delegation's credentials in PACE traditionally takes place during the January winter session.

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