"I think that the members of the NSA that did this should be forced to resign, and I think there should be a hearing," Stern said.
The NSA reportedly found Israeli officials were leaking details of the Iranian nuclear deal to parties in the United States, and coordinating talking points with US-based Jewish advocacy groups in order to kill the nuclear agreement.
"This is a really, really tremendous abuse of power by the [Barack] Obama White House," Stern stated.
Asked if she was concerned that her Washington, DC-based, Zionist foundation had been surveilled, she said, "I know that we are probably on the radar of the White House… It is very frightening — big brother is watching."
In 2013, former NSA contractor Edward Snowden revealed how the Obama administration had spied on leaders of friendly countries, including German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s personal cell phone.
In 2014, President Barack Obama announced he had revised the friendly spying policy to only include foreign leaders whose communications served a compelling US national security interest.
The Endowment for Middle East Truth seeks to provide pertinent information to US policy-makers to improve the security of the United States and its ally, Israel, according to the organization’s website.