According to an internal letter seen by Swedish media, police in Stockholm have been urged not to describe the race or nationality of suspected criminals.
The internal letter, written by Stockholm police press officers Wolf Gyllander and Carina Skagerlind, and seen by newspaper Svenska Dagbadet, stated that crimes reported by the police website should avoid using descriptions.
"We want to avoid pointing out ethnic groups as criminal," Mr Gyllander wrote.
According to news website Spesia, the letter read:
"Criticism is sometimes made against police regarding information about people's skin color. It is perceived as racist. As police are not racist, nor shall be constructed as so, this directive now applied."
Claims of Sexual Assault Cover-Up
The revelations come amid accusations that Swedish law enforcement authorities are too political correct for their own good, and are playing down crimes committed by people of foreign descent, as part of an attempt to avoid stirring up ethnic tensions.
Swedish police were accused of covering-up a series of sexual assaults at a music festival in Stockholm last summer, allegedly committed by a number of men from the Middle East.

Despite the festival taking place in August, police officials didn't comment on the "large number" of sexual assaults until it was reported in Swedish press earlier this month, sparking fears of a cover-up.
Officials said they couldn't confirm reports that the sexual assaults were carried out by men from Afghanistan, despite noting that the matter "involves young men who are not from Sweden."
While Sweden has been applauded by many humanitarian organizations for its generous acceptance of many refugees, others in the country have been hugely critical of the government for accepting a large number of African and Middle Eastern refugees, arguing that it is placing undue pressure on the country's economy and social structure.
Political Correctness Gone Mad — Miss, Brainstorming and Santa's Helpers
However the Swedish reports aren't the first time authorities have been accused of taking political correctness a little too far.
In 2009 the European Parliament was heavily criticized for banning the use of 'Miss' and 'Mrs' as they were considered to be political incorrect.
The rule called on women to be address by their names instead of a title, with MEPs also banned from using such words as 'sportsmen' and 'statesmen' while referring to something as being 'man-made' was also considered out of order.
Not to be outdone, Tunbridge Wells Council in the UK sparked a row in 2008 after deciding to ban the word 'brainstorming' — a term used to describe team idea building exercises — with the softer phrase 'thought-showers' as to avoid causing offense to people suffering from epilepsy.
And it seems even Father Christmas can't escape the PC police, after an Australian company that hires Santa Clauses banned their staff from saying 'ho ho ho' amid fears it would be misinterpreted with the American slang word for prostitute.