Ms. Fields’ husband, Lloyd, worked in Jordan’s capital Amman, under a US State Department program training the country’s law enforcement, according to USA Today.
On November 9, 2015, he was killed by a Jordanian police officer carrying out a shooting attack at the training center where Fields worked, killing five Americans. Daesh later claimed responsibility for the attack and praised it.
“Without Twitter, the explosive growth of ISIS over the last few years into the most-feared terrorist group in the world would not have been possible,” the complaint filed by Tamara Fields in federal court reads.
Fields is now seeking triple compensatory damages from the company for alleged violations of the US Anti-Terrorism Act.

The San Francisco based company released a statement Wednesday in response to Fields’ complaint. The statement claims there are no legal grounds for a trial, but offers condolences for the woman’s “terrible loss.”
“While we believe the lawsuit is without merit, we are deeply saddened to hear of this family’s terrible loss,” the statement reads. “Violent threats and the promotion of terrorism deserve no place on Twitter and, like other social networks, our rules make that clear.”
Media companies have faced intensified pressure from the federal government amid recent terrorist attacks. Social networking firms were urged to thoroughly examine user accounts and delete those that were associated with extremists, USA Today reported.
Twitter claims it has honored 42 percent of the 1,003 removal requests submitted by governments in the period from January to June 2015, Reuters wrote, noting that 25 requests from the US government have not yet been implemented.