The Democratic party elite and support infrastructure are on the attack against the popular democratic socialist, with Nancy Pelosi criticizing his widely supported “Medicare for all” plan on Wednesday, an attack echoed by Hillary Clinton’s campaign.
These attacks were followed by unabashed polemics from the editorial board of the Washington Post on Thursday, a newspaper owned by a billionaire who would not want to see a Sanders presidency, Budowsky notes. The Post degraded the Vermont senator’s campaign as “fiction-filled,” much like the criticism heard against Barack Obama in 2008.
The very visible and sudden panic as the Iowa caucus approaches shows that Sanders has been largely underestimated. His ideas and inspiring message that the government of the US can — and should — do better, clearly resonates with a frustrated population.
Sanders has clearly surpassed Clinton in generating excitement but, instead of the Democratic establishment embracing that enthusiasm and helping his momentum insure voters come out and bring the party a win, party bigwigs consistently dismiss and even insult his campaign and those who support him.
The results of the upcoming primaries will tell the tale of whether the old guard of the Democratic Party has it right this time.