Given his brash statements, it should be no surprise that even if real estate mogul Donald Trump wins over a majority of voters in the United States, he would remain an enormously divisive figure. While most remain hopeful that Americans would never elect a man who has threatened to boycott an entire religious group simply because of their beliefs, that hasn’t stopped fearful citizens from considering a new life across America’s northern border. Just in case.

In the event of the unthinkable, Cape Breton Island in Nova Scotia would like to nominate itself as a fruitful place to begin your new Trump-free life."Hi Americans!" reads a statement on the island’s tourism site. "Donald Trump may become the next president of your country. If that happens, and you decide to get the hell out of there, might I suggest moving to Cape Breton Island?"
The website urges Americans begin preparations for a big move long before Election Day.
"Start now – that way, on Election Day, you just hop on a bus to start your new life in Cape Breton, where women can get abortions, Muslim people can roam freely and the only 'walls' are holding up the roofs of our extremely affordable houses."
The island boasts scenic sites, diversity, and warm summers.
"We need people [and] we need you! This is not a joke! See for yourself – you belong here on Cape Breton Island, where healthcare is free, you know your neighbors and they look out for you and nobody has a hand gun."
It all sounds pretty tempting. But before you pack your bags, be warned: there are approximately 13 golf courses in the Cape Breton area. That’s 13 chances for putter-loving Trump to invest and slap his name on yet another piece of land.