Morales Losing Bolivian Referendum on Another Reelection

© Sputnik / Mikhail Fomichev / Go to the mediabankBolivian President Evo Morales
Bolivian President Evo Morales - Sputnik International
Bolivia's President Evo Morales is losing the Sunday's referendum on his bid to seek a fourth consecutive presidential term in the landlocked South American republic, according to the preliminary results of the vote published on Monday.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — With some 20 percent of the votes counted by the electoral commission, those opposing possibility of another presidential term for Morales have gathered 65.84 percent of support while 34.16 percent approve the constitutional reform to abolish presidential term limits.

Over 87 percent of the estimated 6.5 million eligible voters participated in the referendum.

Morales, the country's first indigenous leader, has served as President of Bolivia since January 2006 and will remain in the office till 2020.

The Bolivian constitution allows the president to hold office only for two consecutive terms, but in 2013, the Bolivian Constitutional Court ruled that Morales had a right to run for the third term.

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