He surrendered to backup officers who arrived after the three officers were shot and found a dead woman, an 11-year-old boy and two used guns.
Chief Hudson briefs members of the media about the line of duty death of Officer Ashley Guindon. #RIPAshleyGuindon pic.twitter.com/JFqO4G5bd7
— Prince William Co PD (@PWCPoliceDept) February 28, 2016
Crystal Hamilton, 29, was found dead in the house and later identified as the shooter's wife.

On Friday, Guindon, 28, was just recently sworn in and Saturday was her first day at patrol work. She graduated in forensics and had an internship at the Prince William County Police Department where she returned after six years in the Marine Corps., said department's head Stephan M. Hudson.
"The investigation revealed that the accused and his wife were involved in a verbal altercation which escalated physically," he said. "The wife was able to contact police; however, before officers could arrive, she was allegedly shot and killed by the accused."
According to Hudson, two other shot officers had non-life threatening injuries, however still on "a long road ahead" before fully recovering.
Hamilton is being held without bond on charges of capital murder of a police officer and is scheduled to be arraigned Monday.
To our community, we know you are grieving too.Thanks for honoring Ashley this way. We are all a family in mourning. pic.twitter.com/VrCVCoSwis
— Prince William Co PD (@PWCPoliceDept) February 28, 2016
There is a probability that Hamilton will receive the death penalty on charges of capital murder of a police officer, and first-degree murder however the decision rests with the court to decide, according to Commonwealth Attorney Paul Ebert.
Besides two counts of murder, Hamilton is charged with two counts of malicious wounding of a police officer and two counts of use of a firearm in commission of a felony.
Welcome Officers Steven Kendall & Ashley Guindon who were sworn in today & begin their shifts this weekend.Be safe! pic.twitter.com/92c2YLjcQx
— Prince William Co PD (@PWCPoliceDept) February 26, 2016