In February 2015, the Pantsir-S systems were deployed to a permanent base in the Moscow Region after successful fire drills were conducted at the Ashuluk range in southern Russia's Astrakhan region, the Ministry said.
#Russian air defense system #Pantsir-S will use new #KAMAZ-53958 #truck #chassis Read
— Army Recognition (@ArmyRecognition) 16 февраля 2016 г.
Right now, there are a total of five flak missile regiments equipped with Pantsir-S systems providing Moscow's air defenses, according to the ministry.
One additional system is expected to be up for combat duty outside Moscow before the end of this year, in a move to modernize the Russian Aerospace Forces, the ministry added.

The Pantsir-S is a Russian short-to-medium range surface-to-air missile and anti-aircraft artillery weapon system, which first entered service in 2012 and will gradually replace Tunguska's self-propelled anti-aircraft weapon.
Two S-400 regiments currently deployed around Moscow include a Pantsir-S battalion each, according to the Russian Defense Ministry.
The Pantsir-S is a gun-missile system which combines a wheeled vehicle mounting a fire-control radar and electro-optical sensor, two 30-mm cannon and up to 12 57E6 radio-command guided short-range missiles, designed to engage a variety of low altitude targets.