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Russian Reconciliation Center Records 7 Ceasefire Violations in Syria

© AP Photo / Alexander ZemlianichenkoLt.-Gen. Sergei Rudskoi of the Russian Military General Staff, background center, speaks to the media in Moscow, Russia, Saturday, Feb. 27, 2016
Lt.-Gen. Sergei Rudskoi of the Russian Military General Staff, background center, speaks to the media in Moscow, Russia, Saturday, Feb. 27, 2016 - Sputnik International
According to Defense Ministry, Russia’s reconciliation center registered seven ceasefire violations across northwestern provinces in Syria over the past 24 hours.

A Syrian flag on a truck with a machine gun of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) near the town of Mhin, Syria - Sputnik International
Now 35 Syrian Armed Groups Agree to Ceasefire - Reconciliation Center
MOSCOW (Sputnik) Russia’s reconciliation center registered seven ceasefire violations across northwestern provinces in Syria over the past 24 hours, it said in a daily newsletter published by the Defense Ministry on Tuesday.

"Over 24 hours the cessation of hostilities was violated seven times (four in Aleppo, two in Idlib, one in Latakia)," the Latakia-based center said.

The Sheikh Maqsood neighborhood in the city of Aleppo was shelled, and five residents of Idlib’s villages of Fua and Kefraya were wounded in shelling, the center added.

Russia’s reconciliation center at the Hmeimim air base in Latakia launched a daily bulleting providing data on the progress of the ceasefire on the second day since the truce entered into force on February 27.

Ceasefire deals have been reached with commanders of two militia units in the Syrian province of Damascus in the past 24 hours, the Russian center on Syrian reconciliation said.

"Truce deals have been reached with commanders of two units of 300 people in total acting in the Damascus province in the past 24 hours. Therefore, the number of illegal armed formations who announced their commitment to the implementation and adoption of the conditions of the cessation of hostilities stands at 37," the center said as quoted by the Russian Defense Ministry.

The number of settlements with heads of which ceasefire deals have been reached stands at 42.

The Russian center on Syrian reconciliation said Tuesday it had passed on 4.2 metric tons (4.6 US tons) of humanitarian aid in 24 hours to the residents of the Syrian town Al Tal in the province of Rif Dimashq.

"The Russian Center on Reconciliation of the Syrian Arab Republic continues providing humanitarian assistance. [The center] passed on 4.2 tonnes of humanitarian aid, mainly foodstuffs, to the residents of the Al Tal settlement [Damascus Countryside province]," the center said, as quoted by the Russian Defense Ministry.

Over 400 delegates from dozens of communities across Syria's Hama province have gathered to take part in Syria's national reconciliation talks, agreeing to uphold the ongoing ceasefire in the country, the Russian Defense Ministry said.

"Participants of national reconciliation met in the Hama province at the governor's initiative and with widespread support among the population. Over 400 delegates representing 82 communities have affirmed the need to preserve Syria's unity by abandoning arms and establishing an intra-Syrian political dialogue," the ministry said, quoting the Russian center on Syrian reconciliation operating at the Hmeimim air base in Latakia.

A US-Russia-brokered ceasefire came into force on February 27 across Syria. It was supported by Damascus, as well as by dozens of opposition groups on the ground. The Islamic State and the Nusra Front, both outlawed in Russia, are not part of the deal.

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