“A woman who was standing right next to me asked a man whether it was a real terrorist act or not. I was listening to what she said, but couldn’t hear a word, I was looking at a pair of mulatto girls who were listening to music and I thought the music was too loud,” Orphée said.
“I didn’t know what to tell him, then his cellphone rang and he started weeping – I guess someone told him that something terrible had happened. Then he stood up and left.”
“Then some medics appeared out of nowhere. I told them I was going to throw up, which I did… Then they put some stitches to my face and I put on a cap because my hair had all burned up. I looked like a Britney Spears with the face of Mike Tyson…”
“These tiny pieces of metal – they were all over my body, so I sleep with them still inside me. It hurts, it really hurts.”
“I’m not complaining…I think God saved me. I was so happy when I finally saw my husband who had been looking for me all that time, because I was still alive and hadn’t left my son an orphan.”
“The first thing I need to do now is to shave my head. As to the scar on my face — well, I guess it will add some charm to my personality. Something to tell my friends about,” Orphée said.
More than 30 people were killed and 230 others were injured in a series of explosions at Brussels Airport and in one of the city's subway stations.
The terrorist group Daesh has claimed responsibility for the attacks.