"We have arrested one of isis in south of Mosul. You can vote for (kill him or let him go). You have one houer to vote. We will post his fate after one houer. Tag your friends and take your right take your reveng from isis right now (sic)," read the initial post by @iraqiswat.
The post was accompanied by a photo of a purported terrorist captured by anti-Daesh militia fighters.
The majority of commenters to the original post encouraged the execution of the the captive.
An hour following the "vote," the account owner posted a photo of the captive, shot dead, with a comment saying "thanks for vote."
This is the first time the Iraqi militia has posted a photo of an executed captive. According to Phillip Smith, a Shia militia researcher, execution polls have taken place previously, but execution photos have not been posted.
The photos were later deleted from Instagram per the website's policy.