The country's leaders have been contemplating a one-word name for ease of use, ostensibly to make it easier for Czech companies, politicians and sports franchises and their products, name tags and sports equipment.
In 1993, after the breakup of Czechoslovakia, the Czech Republic, unlike their Slovak cousins, could not settle on a standardized one-word name for the country in European languages including English, French and Germany.
Now, pending approval, the country will use the name Czechia in English, Tchequie in French, and Tschechien in German. Once approved, the Czech Foreign Ministry will officially lodge the name with the United Nations. Leaders are expected to meet Thursday to formally approve the new name.
Supporters of the 'Czechia' nomenclature note that the English language word 'Czechia' appeared in English-language print since at least the 19th century, when the country was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.