"An estimated 5,000 refugees continue to live in the Jungle despite the forced eviction by French Authorities of nearly half of the refugee camp in March 2016," the statement said.
The destruction of almost a half of the camp had led to overcrowding in the undestroyed part of the site, the statement added.
At the same time, the MSF said that migrants from the dismantled part of the camp could receive help in facilities, located in the vicinity of the camp, such as hospitals and a "Temporary Reception Centre."
The French port town of Calais has been hosting for months thousands of refugees, who seek to travel via the Channel Tunnel to the United Kingdom where they intend to apply for asylum.
Since the start of March, the French authorities have been clearing up the makeshift southern part of the Calais migrant camp and resettling some hundreds of its residents, most of them from conflict-torn regions of the Middle East and North Africa.