MOSCOW (Sputnik) — In May 2016, the volume of import from far abroad countries dropped by 3.7 percent to some $12.2 billion comparing to April 2016.
The import of chemical products fell by 5.4 percent to $2.5 billion dollars, while the import of food products and related raw materials decreased by 4.4 percent to $1.6 billion. The import of engineering products fell by 3.9 percent to $5.9 billion, and the import of textile products and footwear also dropped by 7.3 percent to $539.6 million.
According to the Russian Federal Customs Service, the country's import of sugar fell by 8.4 percent, of meat — by 11.5 percent, of tobacco — by 19.5 percent, of vegetables — by 10.1 percent. The import of fruits and fish increased by 7 and 9.5 percent accordingly.