US Intends to Increase Pace of Military Exercises With Georgia - Pentagon

© AP Photo / Shakh AivazovUS and Georgian servicemen, with Georgian and US flags in front, take part in the joint US-Georgia military exercise (File)
US and Georgian servicemen, with Georgian and US flags in front, take part in the joint US-Georgia military exercise (File) - Sputnik International
The United States looks to increase the pace of joint exercises with the Georgian military, Deputy Assistant Defense Secretary Michael Carpenter said in a testimony at the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Tuesday.

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — In 2008, Georgia applied for membership in NATO. Since then a NATO commission has monitored Tbilisi's progress in matching the standards of the military bloc. Georgian membership in the alliance will be addressed at the NATO June summit in Warsaw.

"We don’t plan to have permanent troops on the ground [in Georgia], but we do plan to increase the tempo of our exercises and trainings with Georgia," Carpenter stated.

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