Indian Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj on Thursday chaired the BRICS Parliamentary Consultative Committee on India’s Chairmanship. It is an important precursor meeting for the BRICS Summit scheduled to be held in Goa in October this year.
A day for BRICS consultations. EAM @SushmaSwaraj chairs Parliamentary Consultative Committee on India's chairmanship
— Vikas Swarup (@MEAIndia) 30 июня 2016 г.
BRICS countries together comprise 42 percent of the world’s population and their combined economic output exceeds $16 trillion. India will host the BRICS summit for the second time, earlier it was held in Delhi in March, 2012.
The forthcoming BRICS summit will focus on building responsive, inclusive and collective solutions for the group.
India has planned a series of events during its chairmanship which include the BRICS Under 17 football tournament, BRICS Film Festival, BRICS Wellness Forum, BRICS Youth Forum, BRICS Young Diplomats Forum, BRICS Trade Fair, BRICS Friendship Cities Conclave and BRICS think tank and academic forum.
BRICS as a grouping has been pushing for greater economic growth among its member countries and reform of global financial institutions.