Russia’s North is dotted with boundless forests and mountains, carpeted with moss and illuminated by the aurora borealis. It is the perfect place for those who want to rejuvenate their mind and body in pristine nature.
© Flickr / NinaraThe village of Teriberka in the Kola Peninsula is home to less than 1,000 people and a popular tourist magnet. Some discovered Teriberka after watching Andrei Zvyagintsev’s Leviathan (2014), others had known about this calm and clean spot before.

The village of Teriberka in the Kola Peninsula is home to less than 1,000 people and a popular tourist magnet. Some discovered Teriberka after watching Andrei Zvyagintsev’s Leviathan (2014), others had known about this calm and clean spot before.
CC BY 2.0 / Ninara / Teriberka, Kola Peninsula, Russia“Hemmed in between the Barents Sea and snow-covered hills around it, the dying-out Sami village of Teriberka is one of the most picturesque spots in Russia’s Arctic. With the skeletons of old fishing ships on the shore, cute wooden cabins, empty shells of Soviet-era housing and a colorful seafront graveyard, this spot is easily accessed from Murmansk by car or by daily bus through spectacular Arctic scenery,” writes Lonely Planet.

“Hemmed in between the Barents Sea and snow-covered hills around it, the dying-out Sami village of Teriberka is one of the most picturesque spots in Russia’s Arctic. With the skeletons of old fishing ships on the shore, cute wooden cabins, empty shells of Soviet-era housing and a colorful seafront graveyard, this spot is easily accessed from Murmansk by car or by daily bus through spectacular Arctic scenery,” writes Lonely Planet.
© Flickr / NinaraBut a completely different picture unfolds before the eyes of those seeking not ruins but natural grandeur and kindred spirits. Locals will always invite strangers in for a cup of tea.

But a completely different picture unfolds before the eyes of those seeking not ruins but natural grandeur and kindred spirits. Locals will always invite strangers in for a cup of tea.
© Flickr / NinaraTeriberka’s history can be traced back to the 16th century. In 1608 the fishermen settlement had just six houses.

Teriberka’s history can be traced back to the 16th century. In 1608 the fishermen settlement had just six houses.
© Flickr / NinaraIn the 20th century Teriberka had nearly 5,000 residents, two fisheries, dairy and poultry farms, and other facilities.

In the 20th century Teriberka had nearly 5,000 residents, two fisheries, dairy and poultry farms, and other facilities.
© AFP 2023 / PIERRE-HENRY DESHAYESThis picture taken on September 9, 2010, shows rotting fishing vessels in the fishing village of Teriberka on the Barents Sea coast.

This picture taken on September 9, 2010, shows rotting fishing vessels in the fishing village of Teriberka on the Barents Sea coast.
© Sputnik / Rudolf Kucherov / Go to the mediabankThe Sami, or Laplanders, are indigenous people in this region. They make a living by fishing, hunting and deer breeding. About 900 from the 2,000 living in Russia reside in the village of Lovozero.

The Sami, or Laplanders, are indigenous people in this region. They make a living by fishing, hunting and deer breeding. About 900 from the 2,000 living in Russia reside in the village of Lovozero.
© Sputnik / Vladimir Vyatkin / Go to the mediabankToday, just over 10 percent of Laplanders lead a nomadic life. The majority have settled down in villages and towns. Since 2012, the Sapmi Radio has been playing Saami music in the round-the-clock format.
Above: This 19th century print represents the life of The Sami, or Laplanders, in the Kola Peninsula in European Russia's extreme northwest.
Above: This 19th century print represents the life of The Sami, or Laplanders, in the Kola Peninsula in European Russia's extreme northwest.

Today, just over 10 percent of Laplanders lead a nomadic life. The majority have settled down in villages and towns. Since 2012, the Sapmi Radio has been playing Saami music in the round-the-clock format.
Above: This 19th century print represents the life of The Sami, or Laplanders, in the Kola Peninsula in European Russia's extreme northwest.
Above: This 19th century print represents the life of The Sami, or Laplanders, in the Kola Peninsula in European Russia's extreme northwest.
© Sputnik / Igor Podgornyi / Go to the mediabankKarelia is a different region famous for a multitude of lakes. The ratio is one lake for every 10 people, which is a world record.
Above: Marble Canyon in Ruskeala mountain park in the Sortavala region of Karelia.
Above: Marble Canyon in Ruskeala mountain park in the Sortavala region of Karelia.

Karelia is a different region famous for a multitude of lakes. The ratio is one lake for every 10 people, which is a world record.
Above: Marble Canyon in Ruskeala mountain park in the Sortavala region of Karelia.
Above: Marble Canyon in Ruskeala mountain park in the Sortavala region of Karelia.
© Sputnik / Igor Podgornyi / Go to the mediabankThe Kivach Falls on the Suna River in the Kivach State Nature Reserve, Republic of Karelia.

The Kivach Falls on the Suna River in the Kivach State Nature Reserve, Republic of Karelia.
© Sputnik / Igor Podgornyi / Go to the mediabankMoreover, a lot of tourists seek to feast their eyes on aurora borealis in winter.

Moreover, a lot of tourists seek to feast their eyes on aurora borealis in winter.
© Sputnik / Alexei Danichev / Go to the mediabankThe Kizhi-Valaam-Solovki triangle is one of the most cherished tourist destinations.
Above: the Pokrovskaya Church in the Kizhi State Historical-Architectural and Ethnographic Museum Reserve.
Above: the Pokrovskaya Church in the Kizhi State Historical-Architectural and Ethnographic Museum Reserve.

The Kizhi-Valaam-Solovki triangle is one of the most cherished tourist destinations.
Above: the Pokrovskaya Church in the Kizhi State Historical-Architectural and Ethnographic Museum Reserve.
Above: the Pokrovskaya Church in the Kizhi State Historical-Architectural and Ethnographic Museum Reserve.
© Sputnik / Alexei Druzhinin / Go to the mediabankVladimir Putin seen on a motor boat before visiting the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Valaam Monastery, August 14, 2011.

Vladimir Putin seen on a motor boat before visiting the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Valaam Monastery, August 14, 2011.
© Sputnik / Alexander Liskin / Go to the mediabankThe Trinity Monastery on Anzer Island, Solovki Archipelago.

The Trinity Monastery on Anzer Island, Solovki Archipelago.