Russian photographer Andrey Yakovlev and art director Lili Aleeva (better known as Yakovlev and Aleeva) have created a series of stylized Easter postcards. These photos are a mix of Slavic traditions and paintings of world-famous artists. The photoshoot was made for the website
© Photo : Yakovlev & AleevaThis photoshoot was dedicated to Orthodox Easter celebrations. Orthodox Christians dye eggs red every year on Easter as a symbol of new life. The photographer tried to appeal to Slavic folk tradition, but you can also find recognizable patterns and modern glamour.

This photoshoot was dedicated to Orthodox Easter celebrations. Orthodox Christians dye eggs red every year on Easter as a symbol of new life. The photographer tried to appeal to Slavic folk tradition, but you can also find recognizable patterns and modern glamour.
© Photo : Yakovlev & AleevaAt first glance this girl looks like the character of a modern historic TV series. But at the same time you can see a Slavic pattern in the background. And if you have ever seen the painting 'Ivan Tsarevich Riding the Grey Wolf' by Viktor Vasnetsov, you definitely recognize the princess in this girl.

At first glance this girl looks like the character of a modern historic TV series. But at the same time you can see a Slavic pattern in the background. And if you have ever seen the painting 'Ivan Tsarevich Riding the Grey Wolf' by Viktor Vasnetsov, you definitely recognize the princess in this girl.
© Photo : Yakovlev & AleevaThis girl is so bright. She resembles the paintings of a group of avant-garde artists called Jack of Diamonds and Frida Kahlo's.

This girl is so bright. She resembles the paintings of a group of avant-garde artists called Jack of Diamonds and Frida Kahlo's.
© Photo : Yakovlev & AleevaThis girl resembles 'Mother of God' by Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin.

This girl resembles 'Mother of God' by Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin.
© Photo : Yakovlev & AleevaIt's not Game of Thrones but it looks pretty similar, just with a few Slavic patterns added.

It's not Game of Thrones but it looks pretty similar, just with a few Slavic patterns added.
© Photo : Yakovlev & AleevaKhokhloma is the most famous Russian wood painting in the handicraft style. It's well-known around the world for its flower patterns and red and gold colors.

Khokhloma is the most famous Russian wood painting in the handicraft style. It's well-known around the world for its flower patterns and red and gold colors.
© Photo : Yakovlev & AleevaAnyone would recognize 'The Kiss' by Klimt in this picture.

Anyone would recognize 'The Kiss' by Klimt in this picture.
© Photo : Yakovlev & AleevaEarly Christians used eggs to symbolize the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the regeneration of believers. That's why eggs symbolize new life in Orthodox tradition.

Early Christians used eggs to symbolize the resurrection of Jesus Christ and the regeneration of believers. That's why eggs symbolize new life in Orthodox tradition.
© Photo : Yakovlev & AleevaEggs are dyed red to represent the blood of Jesus, who was crusified according to Christian tradition.

Eggs are dyed red to represent the blood of Jesus, who was crusified according to Christian tradition.