Verhofstadt — who has never held back in criticizing the institutions of the EU — says the powers of the European Commission should be curbed and a new two-tier EU created that should be used as the framework for the new relationship between the UK and the EU.
"The current set up is incomprehensible for Europeans. The current "Europe a la carte" prevents Member States from showing more commitment. If we want to give the Union more direction, we have to go back to the ideas of the founding fathers, who proposed a clear system in which countries have to choose between full membership and associate status."
Verhofstadt says "institutional chaos" that has been created after decades of compromises that have resulted in a 'Europe a la carte' based on opt-ins, opt-outs and derogations. He proposes making the European Commission more effective and less bureaucratic by reducing the number of ministers and cutting the number of vice-=presidents to two: for Foreign Policy and for Finance.
Building a new Europe. Necessary now more than ever #Brexit. All proposals via
— Guy Verhofstadt (@GuyVerhofstadt) 12 July 2016
"This European government should be controlled by a two chamber system: the European Parliament and a European Council in which the countries are represented."
Big Issues
Verhofstadt said:
"We need to make the Commission more relevant and more effective. We do not need 28 Commissioners for whom it is difficult to find 28 portfolios. A new European government should focus on the big issues where European integration has a real added value, while leaving more detailed regulation to the Member States."
To make the European economy more competitive, Verhofstadt proposes a "convergence code" with minimum and maximum standards on social-economic policy such as labor market reforms and pension reforms. Member States that prove to be able and willing to reform would be part of mutual debt system allowing them to pay lower interest rates as a result of the bigger liquidity of combined resources.
To end the uncertainty @TheresaMay2016 should come to the European Parliament and discuss the future EU-UK relationship
— Guy Verhofstadt (@GuyVerhofstadt) 11 July 2016
"The European Growth and Stability Pact based on fines has showed its limits. We should complement it with a more positive approach in which countries are encouraged to make the necessary reforms," Verhofstadt said.
Verhofstadt's proposals envisage that the economic governance will be supported by a European budget based on own resources and a European Treasury.