MOSCOW (Sputnik) — According to the report, sub-Saharan Africa has the lowest number of children who have an opportunity to attend school, with 21 percent of children of primary school age denied the right to education, followed by Oceania (12 percent) and Western Asia (11 percent).
"About 263 million children and youth are out of school, according to UIS data. This number includes 61 million children of primary school age (about 6 to 11 years), 60 million young adolescents of lower secondary school age (about 12 to 14 years), and 142 million youth of upper secondary school age (about 15 to 17 years) for the school year ending in 2014," the UNESCO report reads.
According to UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova, countries have much to do in order to reach the declared goal to provide every child with a primary and secondary education by 2030.