"I’m going to have ambassador ride on the next drive. There’s a bunch of burn stuff in the pocket in front of my seat. Can u put in trunk?" an email from Abedin to State Department official Lauren Jiloty dated July 20, 2009 said.
Jiloty replied, "Yep, doing now."
"Burn stuff" refers to material designated for so called burn bags, which are used by US officials for classified material that is to be destroyed.
Abedin’s negligence in handling the documents underscores criticism that Clinton and her staff were extremely careless with classified information, as evidenced by more than 100 messages that were marked classified and later discovered on a personal email server that Clinton used during her tenure as secretary of state.
Mishandling classified material is a US federal offense that can be punished with jail time, although prosecutors are typically reluctant to file charges when high-level government officials are involved.