"Our tally is eight dead, six of them in hospital and two at home, and 87 injured," Robert Tolegbon, the mayor of Tori, told state television.
What might sound as a curiosity at first, in fact reveals a much deeper tragedy.
A local company dumped the spoiled flour at a landfill and set it on fire. However, local people used to gather around the trash dump to collect some of the expired product for themselves before it burns down.
While poor handling of trash is terrible by itself, a way more severe problem exists in western Africa: the poorest people on the continent have to resort to sifting through others' waste in search of subsistence. It seems that even spoiled flour fits in.
The uncontrolled dumping of trash, which often includes flammable and toxic materials (including electronic equipment and chemicals), combined with downright improper handling of the disposed material and extreme poverty ends yet again in horror.