"A growing consensus exists in the bipartisan US national security community that climate change presents a strategically significant risk to national and international security, and that more comprehensive action must be taken to ensure the US response is commensurate to the risk", a CCS report dubbed Briefing Book for A New Administration, said.
The CCS Advisory Group that consists of more than a dozen of military and national security officers, recommended that the new president pursue three key objectives in that respect that include, elevating attention to the security risks of climate change at all levels of national security planning, institutionalizing climate change and security concerns throughout government offices and integrating climate change and security concerns through government structures.
"Indeed, climate change effects such as sea level rise are not just an installation and facility issue for US military forces. They also present operational and strategic risks, and these broader implications must be both better understood, planned for and prevented," the report said.
The CCS is a non-partisan security and foreign policy institute with a distinguished Advisory Board of military, security and foreign policy experts, which aims to explore the security risks of climate change.