Ploshchad Revolyutsii
The main "wishmaster" of this station is a dog. If you rub the nose of the shepherd sitting next to the border guard, your day will go well. To enhance the effect, enthusiasts recommend rubbing the noses of all four bronze dogs that live at the station. For an even bigger effect, people refer to the dog by the name Mukhtar, and rub his paw and a knee of a soldier next to the pooch.

A statue of a woman with a rooster is in charge of finances. To solve money problems, it is enough to pat the bird on its comb. Unrequited love troubles are solved by a student girl. To bring happiness to your personal life you should rub her shoe.
Those, who want to quit a boring job, need to head over to the revolutionary sailor with a revolver and touch his handgun. Before graduates defend their thesis, they should rub the bronze scientist's pencil. A sailor signalman is responsible for exciting journeys; a harsh bronze worker helps quit smoking — just rub his grenade; and a young mother is in charge of marriage and childbearing — you have to pat her on the knee.
Belorusskaya (Koltsevaya Line)
The lobby of the station is decorated with a sculpture dedicated to Belarusian partisans. Since this station is situated next to the Belorussky Rail Terminal, the partisan trio is considered a patron of people traveling on holiday or going on a business trip. Girls, who want a holiday romance should rub the muzzle of young partisan's machine gun; men on the other hand need to rub the girl's weapon.

This metro station, which was used as an air raid shelter during World War II, also has some special "mascots." For ages, athletes have made a wish in front of one of the 60 round panels depicting representatives of different kinds of sport. There are football and tennis players, a mountain climber, skater, skier amongst others. Many students of sports schools spend a minute or two near the panel illustrating the kind of activity they are into. They say it brings victory in competitions.

Kiyevskaya (Koltsevaya Line)
If you look carefully at the mosaic panel "The struggle for Soviet power in Ukraine," you will notice a man talking on a mobile. Is that even possible? Or is it an optical illusion? No, it is an actual phone on the picture — the first portable FF-17 that was developed in Germany in 1910. However, some passengers believe that the mosaic fighter is proof of time travel, which in the Moscow metro happens quite often.

One of the "time travelers" told an amazing story: the train braked abruptly in a tunnel, the lights went out, and suddenly another train slowly drove past. It was full of happy people, who looked as if they were traveling on a subway train for the first time and were dressed according to the fashion of the last century. Another Muscovite said that he had seen horseback riders from the Civil War period. The man thought it was just a film being shot, but then one of the soldiers, apparently wounded, stumbled into the train's car together with his horse, and melted like a mist in front of the eyes of the terrified passengers. All the witnesses noted upon arrival to the next station that their mechanical watches were a few minutes slower.
The most resonant murder in all of Russian literature, depicted on one of the station's mosaics, is intended to remind passengers of the work of Dostoevsky. But people say that if you look at the image of an old woman money-lender at least for a minute, you will get a surprise. The main thing is not to use the force of this mosaic too often; otherwise the surprise may be unpleasant.

Станция #метро Перово. Пегас, Ярило и лев.
— Paul (@Kroupin) 20 января 2015 г.
The lobby of the station is decorated with images of mythological beings: the bird of paradise Sirin, the prophetic bird Gamayun, a winged horse, suns with cheerful and sad faces and a lion. It is said that this lion looks very similar to the beast of the Apocalypse. The art project was installed by an unknown person — station workers say that after the work was done, the man disappeared without a trace. Therefore, superstitious Muscovites are afraid to speak about the effect of the image on the station.