Bank cards and cash
In the nearest future, bank cards will be no longer needed to identify a client. They will be replaced by biometric technology and by contactless payment, simply done through an app on one’s smartphone.
Mechanical memory
DVD-drives and HDD-drives are coming to the end of their life cycle. In five years of time, no one will even remember them as their real need has almost disappeared.
Mechanical hard disks (HDD) are still in demand due to their low cost. However, flash cards are becoming cheaper every day, and in about two years HDD will leave the market for good.
DVD and Blu-ray players
Today, the development of wireless communication, online cinemas and cloud storage is forcing Blu-ray players out of the market. The high price for disks has only hastened the process. After all, the price and quality are completely at odds with each other. It is much easier to download a film to your laptop and enjoy it with a bowl of popcorn.
With the decrease of hard-copy paperwork, the need to print something at home is off the menu. Meantime, printer sales are falling at a rate of 10 to 13 percent each year, according to IDC statistics.
Windows laptops
For decades already, analysts have been predicting the end of the personal computer (PC) but now it really could happen. The best mobile platforms have caught up with the performance of the desktop processor, and one day these new platforms might replace stationary computers.
This year, Samsung refused to add 3D functionality to their TVs, while LG put the feature only in their high end televisions. At the same time, the number of 3D films in cinemas has reduced considerably. In other words, the technology failed to catch on.
Hardwire Internet

4G speed protocols are capable of running at up to 150 Mbit per second. Being physically plugged into the Internet at home becomes somewhat pointless. Additionally, leading mobile operators claim that by 2021 we will all be on 5G anyway.
Mechanical door locks and metal keys

Believe it or not, electronic locks have been present on the market for quite a long time now. Some people are already using fingerprint scanners to enter their office or home. So mechanical locks are living their final years and will be soon gone for good.
Stationary phones

Today, you can only find stationary phones only at the office or at your grandparents’ house. In most households they are now redundant and simply take up valuable desk space.
Luminous tube lamps and filament lamps

Several models of LED lamps have already come down in price to that of filament lamps, while their operational endurance is from three to five times longer. As soon as the market becomes bigger, luminous tube lamps will be forgotten.