The incident, which was taken on camera, occurred on the second day of the display that lasted September 24-25 in Kalma International Airport in Wonsan in the east of the country.
In the video the DPRK’s Soviet-designed supersonic fighter jet Mig-21 is seen landing at a steep angle after demonstration of maneuvers. It then tail strikes the land and skids across the tarmac.
By holding the event the North Korean authorities hope to improve the tourist image of the country among foreigners. Several travel companies provided airshow packages to attend the event.
The airshow consisted of civil and military aircraft performing. Aircraft on display included commercial planes of North Korea’s only airline Air Koryo, including Russian-built IL-18, IL-62M the massive IL-76TD, and military jets such as Mig-29, Mig 21, and Su-25 as well as Mil-17.