American television series Breaking Bad tells the story of a chemistry teacher named Walter White who was diagnosed with stage 3 cancer and given only two years to live.
Deciding that he had nothing to lose and wanting to secure a future for his family, Walter embarks on a career of drugs and crime and starts manufacturing and selling methamphetamine. Working alongside a previous student he becomes a major player in the drugs trade industry.
Sputnik met with the creators of the Breaking Bad theme cocktail lab bar, ABQ London, to find out more about the experience.
Edwardo, an operations manager at the theme bar, said that guests can come and cook their own cocktails and can finish it off with nitro oxides, bubbles and infusions.
"You come for a whole experience, it lasts two hours and we have a waiting list. Guest really get to immerse themselves into the who Breaking Bad extravaganza," Edwardo told Sputnik.
The customers are enjoying the whole experience, Matt and Hannah from London are official die-hard Breaking Bad fans.
"I love Breaking Bad, the whole fact how he goes from a simple life to cooking up some serious stuff and making a really business out of it," Matt told Sputnik.
"We have only made one cocktail so far and it's called Beasts of Wallaby, its melon, vodka, cucumber and dry ice. If this place came back again we would definitely return."
So its official — Breaking Bad is cooking up a serious storm in London town. Who needs New Mexico when you have Hackney?