Wikileaks has continued to make public thousands of messages hacked from the email account of Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign chairman, John Podesta. This is the 13th portion of emails, bringing the number of emails leaked so far by the whistleblowers to 23,423.
RELEASE: The Podesta Emails Part 13 #HillaryClinton #imWithHer #PodestaEmails #PodestaEmails13
— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) October 20, 2016
They give an intimate insight into the inner workings of the Clinton's presidential campaign strategy, from attempts to carve out policy positions to interpersonal rivalry bickering. Many of the emails have been deeply incriminating for Mrs. Clinton, a candidate that even many of her staunchest supporters accept is tainted by numerous scandals over untrustworthiness, or in some cases, suspect criminal behavior.
In any other usual election campaign, the cumulative impact of tens of thousands of emails, many corroborating Clinton's critics worst fears that she has repeatedly lied to the American public, would be enough to sink a presidential campaign. But the US election 2016 has been anything but usual.
In email from January 2015, between Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign chairman, John Podesta and Huma Abedin, a close Clinton aide, Abedin reveals her discomfort at the cozy relationship her boss has with some multi-million dollar donors.
Abedin recalls that it was Hillary Clinton's idea to approach the King of Morocco for money to fund her political campaign.
"This was HRC's [Hillary Rodham Clinton's] idea, our office approached the Moroccans and they 100 percent believe they are doing this at her request. The King has personally committed approx $12 million both for the endowment and to support the meeting."

"It will break a lot of china to back out now when we had so many opportunities to do it in the past few months. She created this mess and she knows it."
Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook who was cc'd on the email, discloses that although Clinton was aware that the quid pro quo relationship coming to light may be damaging, she was still considering taking the money.
#Hillary's assistant Huma admits to $12 million #PayForPay with Morocco #Wikileaks #PodestaEmails @TarekFatah
— Jihadi Kermit 🐸 ☮ (@islamlie2) October 20, 2016
"Came up on our call with HRC [Hillary Rodham Clinton]. John flagged the same issues we discussed, Huma. HRC said she's still considering."
In another 2015 email exchange, a top Clinton aides appears to confirm that President Obama knew that Hillary Clinton was using a private server for her emails as Secretary of State, despite claiming that he did not.
Philippe Reines references a New York Times story that President Obama didn't know about Clinton's private email address: he expresses his surprise.
"I find it odd the NYT didn't actually quote the President saying what's in their headline. Especially since the story has a disbelieving tone to his not noticing. One of us should connect with the WH just so they know that the email will show his statement to not make sense. I'm happy to do so to Josh Earnest since Jen is in a weird position, unless Cheryl or John you want to (or already have) with someone else."

"But it's not unreasonable to assume that Josh is going to get asked how this was possible, and he should have the factset. Especially if it's some weird technical thing with the President's email setup that he doesn't see addresses."
If both revelations are proven to be true, it adds serious weight to the allegations swirling around Mrs. Clinton. However, many political commentators fear that Donald Trump's inability to stop courting controversy is overshadowing the serious credibility and security concerns that the #PodestaEmails are unveiling.
WikiLeaks released the first batch of emails on October 8. WikiLeaks has said there are around 50,000 emails to be released in total and that this will be completed before the presidential election is held on November 8.
What impact they will have on the American electorate, already weary after almost a year and a half of negative campaigning, is unclear.