WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — Kucinich said that the US administration failed to "learn from Iraq and Libya in that regard," and is now destabilizing Syria by helping to provide support for the co-called rebels "who are actually jihadists."
"The United States has made wrong decisions and needs to change its course, and change it quickly. We need to back away from this idea that somehow we are going to usurp the administration of [Syrian President] Bashar al-Assad. That is not our job. It is not for us to determine who the leaders of any country should be," Kucinich said.
Moscow and Washington have opposing views on the need and possibility for a regime change in Syria.
Even though the US administration stopped vocally insisting on the need for the serving president Assad to step down, that intent has been the deep-rooted cause of all failed attempts of US-Russian deals on establishing ceasefire in Syria.
Kucinich maintained that the United States has to change its policy and look to build an alliance with Russia in the name of national security as well as global security.
"It does not do us any good to continue to spread Cold War psychology, to engage in fantasies and lies about Russia’s role in the United States and to build policies upon those fantasies and lies," Kucinich stated.
Clinton has also said she wants to establish a no-fly zone in Syria, renew the US pursuit to dominate the Middle East as well as be more active in containing Russia and Iran.
By contrast, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has expressed willingness to work closely with Russia to fight the Islamic State and Islamic extremism. He has said if Syria’s Assad is overthrown, the country may end up with worse than Assad.