Mogherini: EU Ready to Work With New US Administration 'From Very First Weeks'

© AFP 2023 / THIERRY CHARLIEREU's High representative for foreign affairs and security policy Federica Mogherini arrives for an European Union leaders summit on October 20, 2016 at the European Council, in Brussels.
EU's High representative for foreign affairs and security policy Federica Mogherini arrives for an European Union leaders summit on October 20, 2016 at the European Council, in Brussels. - Sputnik International
The EU foreign minsters are ready to work now with the new US administration under Donald Trump from from the very first days of its functioning, EU Foreign Policy Chief Federica Mogherini said.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — An informal meeting of the European Union's Foreign Ministers took place in Brussels on Sunday evening. The ministers discussed a wide range of issues, with a particular emphasis on the change of US foreign policy under Trump.

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"We have decided together to engage with the incoming administration, even from these very first weeks of transition, we will continue to work day and night with the current administration, but also preparing the ground for the change of administration in January, and obviously, will be glad not only to visit Washington soon, but also invite the future Secretary of State," Mogherini told reporters following the meeting.

She said that the main issues in the EU-US agenda would be climate change, nuclear non-proliferation, Iran nuclear deal, trade and "all the crises we have around us."

"We had a very fruitful, good meeting with the [EU] foreign ministers… and I can say there is unity among all the 28 [EU member states] on first of all to continue working on strength of the Trans-Atlantic relation — the European Union and the United States are partners, and will continue to be partners to what concerns us," the diplomat said.

Trump's inauguration will be held on January 20, 2017.

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