MOSCOW (Sputnik) — On Sunday, Fillon surprisingly came first in the race to become The Republicans (LR) party's nominee for the presidential election, leaving ex-President Nicolas Sarkozy and former Prime Minister Alain Juppe behind.
"Fillon has a reputation as a honest politician who sticks to his ideas and principles. He is the best right-wing nominee for the presidential race because he speaks to many French from different right-wing camps: Gaullists and more liberals. He is the only one who received votes of people who were leaning more towards the National Front," Dhuicq, a member of center-right the Republicans Party (LR), said.
"His program is attractive because Fillon is trying to be realistic. He reassures people that a role of a nation is at stakes, talks about national sovereignty and that is what people want to hear," Dhuicq said.
The lawmaker stressed that Fillon attracts right-wing electorate due to his support of the national sovereignty, hardline approach to suspected Islamist radicals, advocating against gay marriage and for the rapprochement with Russia. The lawmaker also noted Fillon's economically liberal ideas speak to the small and medium businesses.