WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — A volunteer with LACAN (the Latin-American and Caribbean Action Network) and one of the organizers of the Saturday night vigil told Sputnik that despite the cold weather, there has been a "steady stream" of supportive and sad people coming to the embassy.

"We are here to mourn the loss of one of the greatest revolutionary leaders of the world history and to celebrate his life, and to celebrate his achievements… to gather as a community, because Fidel is exactly the sort of example we need in the US right now in the age of Donald Trump coming. For the Cuban people we send our love and empathy. We are sad for their loss and the loss for the whole world. And we will continue here to keep fighting for the sort of ideals Fidel Castro fought for — justice for working people, good healthcare for everyone, solid education for everyone," James Ploeser said.
People of different nationalities are bringing flowers and candles. Some people just stand thinking and watching the posters on the gates, but some cannot holding tears.

Gloria from the US state of Virginia laid flowers crying.
"I love Fidel. I am a socialist, and I believe in a cause," Gloria told Sputnik. "He did not rob from his country, he gave to his country."
Francisco Furlani from Brazil told Sputnik that he wanted to come to the embassy as he believed it was a historic moment.
"Fidel is an icon," Furlani said. "I think it is an important moment for the world in terms of history. We are with them [the Cuban people]."
Castro, the Cuban revolutionary who survived hundreds of assassination attempts and nearly a dozen US presidents, passed away at the age of 90. His death was announced by his brother and the incumbent Cuban President Raul Castro. A funeral ceremony has been scheduled for December 4, and will be held at a cemetery in Santiago de Cuba. Cuba has received a flood of condolences from leaders around the world, including Russia.