"Today, I am filing suit to stop Dr. Jill Stein's frivolous, expensive recount request," Schuette tweeted. "I have filed an emergency motion with the Mich[igan] Supreme Court to bypass the Court of Appeals to ensure a timely process."
In a press release from the Attorney General's office, Schuette argued Stein will only pay $787,500 of the $5 million needed for a recount.
Moreover, a hand recount could put Michigan's electoral voters at risk of not being counted when the Electoral College meets on January 6, 2017.
An attorney representing the Stein campaign declined to comment on this motion to local media in Michigan.
On Thursday, lawyers representing President-elect Donald Trump filed a formal complaint against the Michigan vote recount as well.
In addition to Michigan, Stein has formally requested recounts in the states of Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.