Russian, Iranian Support Enhances Syrian Army's Determination to Fight - Assad

© Sputnik / Dmitry Vinogradov / Go to the mediabankRussian aircraft at the Hmeymim Air Base in Syria.
Russian aircraft at the Hmeymim Air Base in Syria. - Sputnik International
The support provided by Russia and Iran to Syrian army, which has been weakened by years of fighting, enhances its determination to defend the country, Syrian President Bashar Assad told RT broadcaster in an interview.

MOSCOW (Sputnik) — Despite being exhausted during six years of fighting, the Syrian army is determined to defent the country, Assad said.

"The support of our allies was very important; mainly Russia, and Iran. After six years, or nearly six years of the war …, it's definitely and self-evident that the Syrian Army is not as strong as it was before that. But what we have is determination to defend our country… But of course, we cannot ignore the support from Russia, we cannot ignore the support from Iran, that make this determination more effective and efficient," Assad said.

People walk near a Syrian national flag at the President bridge in Damascus, Syria March 14, 2016 - Sputnik International
Iran, Russia Share Stance That 'Collapse of Syria' Must Be Prevented
The Russian Aerospace Forces launched an aerial campaign in Syria in September 2015 following Assad's request.

The society of Syria is more unified at present than it was before the civil war began, most Syrians would not accept anything related to the country’s "disintegration," Assad noted.

"But actually, if you look at the society today, the Syrian society is more unified than before the war. This is reality. I'm not saying anything to raise the morale of anyone, I'm not talking to Syrian audience anyway now, I'm talking about the reality …. So, after nearly six years, I can tell you the majority of the Syrians wouldn't accept anything related to disintegration, they are going to live as one Syria."

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