We offer you a listing of five funniest moments of Vladimir Putin's end-of-the-year press conference held on December 23.

"May I ask you about love?"
"Can I ask a question about love?" someone said. "About love? We need to finish this up," Putin answered, referring to the press conference which lasted more than three and a half hours at the time. "Love will easily turn into hatred if we continue this for too long," he added.
Robot for the Kremlin
Sasha Aksyonenko, an 8-year-old from Moscow, asked the Russian president what robot he would add to his team.
"Robots are needed in manufacturing. We deal with sensitive issues that have an impact on millions of human lives. So you have to be human first and foremost. We cannot rely on robots here," Putin said.
Kvass makes a comeback
Journalist Vladimir Mamatov from Kirov caused a stir two years ago during a similar event when he lamented that he wanted to bring kvass to Vladimir Putin, but the president's security team did not allow him to bring the beverage to the room. This year, Mamatov thanked the Russian president for his support of domestic producers, adding that kvass is taking on new markets and is currently exported to China and the United States.
Putin's biggest mistakes as president
President Putin reiterated that he was not immune to making missteps, but pledged to learn from his mistakes.
"Everyone makes mistakes. Not a single person can live and work without making them," he said, without going into detail on what those are. "I will try to learn from all my mistakes and flaws so that there are less of them in the future and so that we may work all together, including me, more effectively," he said.

"Beautifully dressed" young man
Vladimir Putting spotted Khashavi Mukhammad, a journalist from TV channel Kurdistan 24, saying that "this young man is so finely dressed" it was impossible not to let him ask a question. The Kurdish journalist was sporting a traditional garment.
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