The photo gallery was prepared with support from NUST MISiS.
© Photo : National University of Science and Technology MISiS/Maria BrodskayaA spacecraft seat design developed at the NUST MISiS Center for Complex Industrial Prototypes. The Center is capable of preparing extremely intricate prototypes, from nanites to satellites and bio-organisms ranging in size from a micron to 20 meters.

© Photo : National University of Science and Technology MISiS/Maria Brodskaya
A spacecraft seat design developed at the NUST MISiS Center for Complex Industrial Prototypes. The Center is capable of preparing extremely intricate prototypes, from nanites to satellites and bio-organisms ranging in size from a micron to 20 meters.
© Photo : National University of Science and Technology MISiS/Maria BrodskayaAn engine turbine equipped with innovative vanes made from an intermetallic titanium alloy. This solution improves engine performance, reduces the weight of airplanes and makes them more fuel efficient. These blades are expected to be used in the PD-14, a new Russian-made engine for the MC-21 short-medium haul aircraft that is currently being developed in Russia.

© Photo : National University of Science and Technology MISiS/Maria Brodskaya
An engine turbine equipped with innovative vanes made from an intermetallic titanium alloy. This solution improves engine performance, reduces the weight of airplanes and makes them more fuel efficient. These blades are expected to be used in the PD-14, a new Russian-made engine for the MC-21 short-medium haul aircraft that is currently being developed in Russia.
© Photo : National University of Science and Technology MISiS/Maria BrodskayaNext generation protective suit for EMERCOM officers. The suit withstands fire (temperatures up to 1,200 degrees Celsius), does not freeze in cold temperatures (down to -120 degrees Celsius) and protects wearers from electromagnetic radiation. In addition, it uses high-strength materials (it is very hard to tear the suit), and creates a favorable magnetic field that invigorates the person wearing it.

© Photo : National University of Science and Technology MISiS/Maria Brodskaya
Next generation protective suit for EMERCOM officers. The suit withstands fire (temperatures up to 1,200 degrees Celsius), does not freeze in cold temperatures (down to -120 degrees Celsius) and protects wearers from electromagnetic radiation. In addition, it uses high-strength materials (it is very hard to tear the suit), and creates a favorable magnetic field that invigorates the person wearing it.
© Photo : National University of Science and Technology MISiS/Maria BrodskayaSelf-propagating high-temperature synthesis in ferrous oxide powder. This provides a low-cost and effective method for obtaining a wide range of nanomaterials for research and industrial purposes.

© Photo : National University of Science and Technology MISiS/Maria Brodskaya
Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis in ferrous oxide powder. This provides a low-cost and effective method for obtaining a wide range of nanomaterials for research and industrial purposes.
© Photo : National University of Science and Technology MISiS/Maria BrodskayaCreating the first Russian perovskite-structured thin-film solar cell. This cell will transform solar radiation into electric power with an efficiency rate above 15 percent. Perovskite-structured solar cells are more lightweight, flexible and cheaper to make than their contemporaries. They can be used to charge and power various devices, from tablets to entire buildings.

© Photo : National University of Science and Technology MISiS/Maria Brodskaya
Creating the first Russian perovskite-structured thin-film solar cell. This cell will transform solar radiation into electric power with an efficiency rate above 15 percent. Perovskite-structured solar cells are more lightweight, flexible and cheaper to make than their contemporaries. They can be used to charge and power various devices, from tablets to entire buildings.
© Sputnik / Freight car truck side frame, with quenched cast steel elements that increase the fatigue limit and fatigue strength of the side frames by 50 percent. Such frames can work for decades longer than their competitors, which increases the safety of the railways.

© Sputnik /
Freight car truck side frame, with quenched cast steel elements that increase the fatigue limit and fatigue strength of the side frames by 50 percent. Such frames can work for decades longer than their competitors, which increases the safety of the railways.
© Photo : National University of Science and Technology MISiS/Maria BrodskayaEmployees of NUST MISiS Biomedicine Nanomaterials Laboratory working on devices to diagnose cancer early using magnetic nano-particles.

© Photo : National University of Science and Technology MISiS/Maria Brodskaya
Employees of NUST MISiS Biomedicine Nanomaterials Laboratory working on devices to diagnose cancer early using magnetic nano-particles.
© SputnikVisualization on an optical microscope of cancerous cell cores in a human prostate gland using a nucleus stain.

© Sputnik
Visualization on an optical microscope of cancerous cell cores in a human prostate gland using a nucleus stain.
© SputnikAn experimental chip of a Josephson parametric amplifier. Amplifiers of this kind can be used to obtain reliable and prompt data from superconducting qubits. This capability is a fundamental objective for improving quantum computing.

© Sputnik
An experimental chip of a Josephson parametric amplifier. Amplifiers of this kind can be used to obtain reliable and prompt data from superconducting qubits. This capability is a fundamental objective for improving quantum computing.
© Photo : National University of Science and Technology MISiS/Andrey VoroninA thermostatic cooler that can cool qubits down to -273.1 degrees Celsius. Cooler qubits provide for lower heat noise and a better ability to observe quantum phenomena.

© Photo : National University of Science and Technology MISiS/Andrey Voronin
A thermostatic cooler that can cool qubits down to -273.1 degrees Celsius. Cooler qubits provide for lower heat noise and a better ability to observe quantum phenomena.
© Photo : National University of Science and Technology MISiS/Maria BrodskayaA smelting induction furnace and a pyrometer for remote temperature measurement. These devices are used to obtain experimental samples of amorphous and nano-crystalline alloys with highly magnetic properties. The possible applications of these alloys include transformer cores.

© Photo : National University of Science and Technology MISiS/Maria Brodskaya
A smelting induction furnace and a pyrometer for remote temperature measurement. These devices are used to obtain experimental samples of amorphous and nano-crystalline alloys with highly magnetic properties. The possible applications of these alloys include transformer cores.
© Sputnik / Obtaining iron-based amorphous alloys by pouring liquid metal on a spinning copper disk at 1,400 degrees Celsius.

© Sputnik /
Obtaining iron-based amorphous alloys by pouring liquid metal on a spinning copper disk at 1,400 degrees Celsius.
© Photo : National University of Science and Technology MISiS/Maria BrodskayaPatented high-performance technology for obtaining high-purity aluminum oxide can be used to provide raw material to producers of single-crystal corundum, the main element used in LEDs and protective glass in modern devices.

© Photo : National University of Science and Technology MISiS/Maria Brodskaya
Patented high-performance technology for obtaining high-purity aluminum oxide can be used to provide raw material to producers of single-crystal corundum, the main element used in LEDs and protective glass in modern devices.