"The All Party Parliamentary Group on Social Integration is calling for… the Government to look at introducing a regional immigration system based on the Canadian model," the Challenge Group said.
According to the group, the immigrants should be required to learn English before arriving at the United Kingdom or take compulsory lessons upon arrival, while the government should provide access to jobs and knowledge about UK laws and culture.
"Since 2004, we have seen the largest single wave of immigration that Britain has ever experienced. We have seen limited proactive government policies to support this kind of extraordinary, rapid social change, which has transformed many communities across the UK and left them feeling insecure and increasingly divided," Jon Yates, Director of The Challenge, said.
The campaign to leave the European Union, which won the referendum held in June 2016, appealed to many people's dislike and distrust of the influx of migrants into the United Kingdom, which many believed to have been spurred by the EU freedom of movement principle.
Canadian government is supporting, alongside other organizations, the Canadian Immigrant Integration Program, launched in 2007, which provides free pre-departure orientation to the potential immigrants, helping raise awareness of culture and job prospects, among other issues.
All Party Parliamentary Groups are informal groups comprising members of different parties that do not have an official status within the UK parliament.