MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The claims were filed following a press conference in the European Parliament on the situation in eastern Ukraine that was scheduled for June 16, 2015.
“On January 24th 2017, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) will hear the cases were the main topic is the question if the European Parliament is allowed to discriminate against Russian nationals solely on the basis of their nationality,” the statement said.
One of the claims was filed by Fedor Biryukov, representative of the Russian party Rodina, who was invited to the conference by Voigt but was not allowed to take part in it. Another one was filed by Voigt after the press conference was cancelled as a consequence.
"In a first statement on the two trials now on hand, MEP Udo Voigt made it clear that both procedures are necessary to show the public which side is trying to create confrontation between Europe and Russia," the statement said.
The statement added that the European Union was not ready to normalize relations with Russia while at the same time Russia was striving to improve the bilateral ties.
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