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Syrian Gov't Delegation Joined Astana Talks Participants, Talks Relaunched

© REUTERS / Mukhtar KholdorbekovParticipants of Syria peace talks attend a meeting in Astana, Kazakhstan January 23, 2017.
Participants of Syria peace talks attend a meeting in Astana, Kazakhstan January 23, 2017. - Sputnik International
Syrian government delegation headed by Bashar Jaafari has joined other delegations at the Astana talks and the negotiations have been relaunched, a Sputnik correspondent reported Tuesday.

Participants of Syria peace talks attend a meeting in Astana, Kazakhstan January 23, 2017. - Sputnik International
Plenary Session Planned During 2nd Day of Syria Talks in Astana
ASTANA (Sputnik) — The two-day Syrian talks began on January 23. They have been initiated by Russian President Vladimir Putin, who proposed to establish additional platform of Syrian peace process. The proposal was supported by the presidents of Turkey and Kazakhstan.

Syrian armed opposition delegation includes 10-15 groups, including Jaysh al-Islam, which Russia has repeatedly urged to include in the list of terrorist groups of the UN Security Council.

The representatives of Russia, Turkey and Iran, as well as the UN, are also taking part in the talks.

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