Still ‘Premature’ to Detail Trump’s North Korea Strategy - Official

© AP Photo / Andrew HarnikPresident-elect Donald Trump gives a thumbs up to members of the media after meeting with Martin Luther King III, son of Martin Luther King Jr., at Trump Tower in New York, Monday, Jan. 16, 2017
President-elect Donald Trump gives a thumbs up to members of the media after meeting with Martin Luther King III, son of Martin Luther King Jr., at Trump Tower in New York, Monday, Jan. 16, 2017 - Sputnik International
It is too early to lay out President Donald Trump’s strategy on North Korea, a senior administration official said on Thursday.

A North Korean flag flutters in the propaganda village of Gijungdong as seen from a South Korean military check point of the truce village of Panmunjom in the Demilitarized Zone dividing the two Koreas on November 12, 2014 - Sputnik International
North Korea Plans to Continue Satellite Launches Despite UN Objections
WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — The official noted that both the United States and Japan would urge North Korea not to take provocative acts, which would inform the administration’s approach to Pyongyang.

"I’d say that it’s right now premature to detail a North Korea strategy on the part of the Trump administration, and in time we’ll have more that we will be prepared to say about that," the official told reporters.

Trump is expected to discuss the situation in North Korea with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in Washington, DC this week.

Japan has pushed for closer ties with the United States to counter the threat of neighboring North Korea's nuclear ambitions.

North Korea has successfully conducted five nuclear tests, including two in 2016, and has frequently made statements about the advancement of its nuclear program.

In January, the United States, Japan and South Korea held military exercises to counter a possible missile launch from North Korea.

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