L&T will own 51% of the Company and MBDA, 49%, fully complying with India's Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) policy norms. L&T MBDA Missile Systems Ltd is expected to be incorporated in the first half of 2017 after necessary approvals. In the beginning, company is expected to receive contract to develop and supply fifth generation Anti-Tank Guided Missiles (ATGM5s), missiles for Coastal Batteries and high speed target drones.
"We have been trusted partners to DRDO and the Indian Navy, delivering complete weapon systems and platforms, command control and sensor systems, designed, developed and manufactured in India for over three decades. Over this period, we have worked closely with Ministry of Defense, and its different arms in jointly developing and delivering cutting-edge defense solutions," A M Naik, the Group Executive Chairman of L&T said. MBDA is jointly held by AIRBUS Group (37.5%), BAE SYSTEMS (37.5%), and LEONARDO (25%).