Thousands have signed a petition at verified petition site asking Donald Trump to ban the US-Hungarian billionaire and his Open Society Foundations from operating on US territory, accusing him, his family, and his businesses of working to manipulate US politicians and spread post-modern, anti-conservative values in the country and throughout the world.
"We ask for a warrant to be issued for [Soros's] willful actions to destabilize and bankrupt our economy by pushing his anti-America open borders globalist New World Order society agenda with the intent of destroying our country," the petition, authored by Ohio-based activist and songwriter Vanessa Feltner, reads.
"We want America to remain sovereign, a Republic nation," the petition stresses. "We want to remain a Christian nation. This man and his son will continue to attempt to destroy our Western values and we agree he must be removed or arrested immediately to guard the safety of our values and our country."
Taking a look at what is known about Soros' global efforts, and offering a distinctly Russian perspective on the billionaire's initiatives, RIA Novosti contributor and Russian Institute for Strategic Studies expert Igor Pshenichnikov pointed out that virtually everything laid out in the petition applies not only to the United States, but far beyond its borders as well.
"Soros," the analyst recalled, first "outlined his view of the world in his book 'The Age of Fallibility'. His main aim is to create a world without borders, where everyone is equal and free, where the interests of all minorities, especially sexual ones, are not only secured through legislation, but prevail over the interests of the majority."
The billionaire, Pshenichnikov added, is the proponent of a gender ideology "borne in the depths of the feminist movement, and which today has become a socio-political foundation of Western society. This ideology implies 'freedom from gender identity': however one imagines him or herself in the gender sense is how they should present themselves to the world. In the West today, this is de facto the 'dominant religion', and Soros is a fanatical follower of this religion."
"Soros has also actively intervened in the work of the World Health Organization," the journalist noted, "and has tried to change existing international classifications of sexual disorders so that the postulates of 'gender ideology' could be scientifically justified." The strategies include support for advocacy groups working to change the WHO's International Classification of Diseases to remove transsexualism as a psychiatric diagnosis.
The WHO's European bureau, where Soros' supported 'advocacy groups' are also in place, have also been highly active in supporting the billionaire's agenda, specifically with the 'Standards for Sexuality Education in Europe'.
This document, Pshenichnikov noted, includes instructions "on how European children are to be reformatted from a young age, their traditional innate matrix destroyed. Here's just one excerpt from these standards: 'Sex education is firmly based on gender equality, self-determination [of sexual identity] and the acceptance of diversity.'"
Billions for Regime Change Worldwide
The financing of NGOs meant to destabilize countries which don't meet Soros' value system is no secret to anyone, Pshenichnikov noted. "On its own website, Soros' fund does not hide that it has spent $1.6 billion on the goal of 'democratic development' in the countries of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union over the past 33 years."
"Furthermore, $2.9 billion has been spent on 'human rights', including 'often marginalized groups such as drug users, sex workers, and LGBTQ communities.'" $2.1 billion more has been spent on 'education projects' from pre-K to higher education, including the aforementioned sex education projects.
In 2017, Soros' fund plans to spend a total $940.7 million dollars, "from which initiatives in the US will get $98.7 million, those in Europe $65 million, and those in Eurasia (meaning Russia) $42.8 million."
Three years ago, Pshenichnikov wrote, Soros' tens of millions of dollars' worth of investment into 'pro-democracy' NGOs in Ukraine paid off, and the country was subjected to the unrest leading up to the Euromaidan coup d'état, a cataclysm from which the country continues to reel from today. Other Eastern European countries, from Bulgaria to Hungary, have also been affected.

Nationally oriented leaders in Eastern Europe have made clear where they stand on Soros and his foundations. Last year, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban had the following to say of the billionaire's activities: "There are some who envisage a world without borders: this is exactly the concept which George Soros and his civil society organizations seek to popularize. This notion is at best well-intentioned and naïve, and at worst is based on a calculated assessment of processes leading to the end of traditional civilizations, ways of life, cultures and nations."
Now, Pshenichnikov noted, following Trump's election, mass demonstrations of the kind long seen in developing countries around the world have begun popping up in the US as well, including via Pussyhat Project, which US alternative media have warned sounds quite similar to Soros-linked projects, complete with its own color and brand identity.
Ultimately, the journalist stressed that as far as the US is concerned, Trump is now the main figure "expressing the will of traditional America. For this reason, he appears to be the main headache for Soros." Who will emerge victorious in the ideological, political and metaphysical battle between conservative nationalism and liberal globalism? Only time will tell.